Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy Holidays

The holiday season is coming to an end. It's been fun! Tyler really got into opening presents this year. Last year he just kind of stared at them, waiting for something to happen. lol

It's been fun, but now we begin the loooooong winter. What better way to do that? Well a case of pneumonia of course. Poor kid.

Here he is decorating his ginger bread house with daddy

They had a little Christmas party at school. He got to sit with Santa, something that did not go so well at the mall.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Crazy Weather

Last Thursday we had an ice storm. We heard tree limbs snapping and falling until the power finally went out at 11:27pm. It was a long 5 nights and 6 days without power before it came back on Tuesday afternoon.

It was pretty until we found out it would be almost a week before power returned

Wednesday we got about 3 inches of snow, so we took Tyler out to "help" us shovel. He had lots of fun.

Looks like we are getting another 8-10" today and tonight. Ugh
Tyler will become a pro in no time ;)

Monday, December 8, 2008

First Snow

We had our first snow of the season yesterday. So we decided to take Tyler outside and let him play. He really loved it! He points to the sky and says "snowing", something we didn't even know he knew how to say. So that was pretty cute. Can't wait until we get enough snow to build a snow man.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Ahhh the newest phase

So Tyler all of a sudden decided he doesn't like clothes. He constantly tugs at his shirt saying peeeez (please), So I help him take off his shirt. The rest he will do on his own. Thankfully he has left the diaper alone.

Enjoy the show....

I hope this isn't a peek at a future career

On his head is his latest school project, he is very proud..... obviously

This one we will save for future girlfriends

Friday, December 5, 2008

School Pictures Came In!

I think they came out FANTASTIC! I am so happy with how they turned out.

Is it just me or does he look like a giant on this little bridge?